Questions and Activities for Reflection

1. The LBS Service Provider Guidelines (October 2016) say that you “need to work with learners to develop a Learner Plan that reflects what the learner needs for the goal path.” This closely resembles Malcolm Knowles’ first assumption about adult learning in his theories of andragogy. We have listed his assumptions, along with his recommendations for content of learning contracts, in the first box below. In the second box, we have listed the Ministry’s requirements for LBS Learner Plans. Compare the two lists. Do MTCU’s expectations vary significantly from Malcolm Knowles’?

2. Presently, which of the following would you say is the main way you use the Learner Plan?
– as an administrative device
– as a helpful tool for the practitioner
– as a means for learners to own their learning

3. Take some time to consider how you develop a new learner’s Learner Plan. At what points is the learner given the opportunity to provide input into the development of the plan?

4. How might you involve the learner even more in Learner Plan development?

5. Knowles mentions six needs that adult learners have:
– to know
– to be self-directing
– to have the learners’ unique experiences taken into account
– to gear learning to the learners’ readiness to learn
– to organize learning around life tasks or life problems
– to tap into intrinsic motivations

Which needs would you say you are best at addressing?

6. Are there any needs that you think you should make an extra effort at meeting? If so, what is one step you could take?

7. If the learners were asked by someone outside of your agency what steps they would have to take to reach their goals, how confident are you that they would be able to explain them?

8. How do you make sure that the learners are clear on what their objectives/learning outcomes are?

9. What would you say are the main difficulties you have faced in setting realistic timelines for learners? What is one thing you could do to develop your timeline setting skills?

10. The Learner Plan template has a sub-goal called Learning Activities. Do you think what you presently record in this space is helpful to the learners?

11. What system does your program use to ensure you review Learner Plans in a regular and timely manner?

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