Reviewing the Plan

A living document is a document that is continually edited and updated.


Learner plans are not static. They are living documents. Literacy learners may face many barriers and challenges that can affect their learning ability and schedules. When these things occur, we need to adjust the plan to suit the learners’ current needs.

Some reasons for Learner Plan changes are

  • a learner changes their goal
  • significant events affect the timelines (health, absenteeism, etc.)
  • progress varies from the original estimate

To ensure that Learner Plans continue to meet the learners’ goals, learning objectives and time frames, you must regularly review the plans. This is a Literacy and Basic Skills service provider requirement (LBS Service Provider Guidelines, effective October 2016). Most importantly, reviewing the Learner Plan ensures that it continues to fit the learner’s needs.


Changing a Learner Plan

If a learner’s plan needs adjusting (assuming you are using the Enhanced Learner Plan), you should take the following steps:

Changing the learner plan


When to Review Learner Plans

There is no set time frame for reviewing Learner Plans. The reviews should be appropriate to the learners’ schedules. For example, if a learner attends your program only 2 days a week, the time frame between reviews might be longer than for a learner who attends 5 days a week. In another instance, a learner who progresses quickly might have reviews more often than someone who takes a little longer to master skills and complete tasks.

The Ministry also requires us to have a system to remind us to review files. Programs do this in different ways, such as

  • day-timers and computer-based task tracking such as Outlook
  • event activity reminders built into the Employment Ontario Information System Case Management System (EOIS-CaMS). Note: LBS practitioners must be authorized to enter information into, and download from, EOIS-CaMS. Authorization and user codes are arranged by your agency’s Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Employment and Training Consultant (ETC) following a request from your agency’s Service Provider Registration Authority (SPRA)
  • review as milestones are completed
  • reviews of all files at a specific time, such as monthly

Learner Plan Development in Summary

We need to have Learner Plans completed, signed and in our files. But Learner Plans should belong to the learners. Engage learners in developing the Learner Plan so that they understand

  • the steps that should be taken
  • the order in which skills and tasks should be addressed
  • the resources and activities to be used to help them with each plan item (OALCF Competency) and sub-goal (OALCF Task Group)
  • the relationship between the learning activities, the learning objectives and their goals
  • how the strategies and methods suit their needs and learning styles
  • what types of training delivery will be used for what learning, for example:
  • one-to-one tutoring
  • small group
  • classroom
  • blended learning using some e-Channel
  • other online training
  • how the learning will be assessed
  • when and how the plan will be reviewed


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