Additional Resources
The following are some examples of tools and resources that may be useful to you while providing LBS Follow-Up. This is not intended as an exhaustive list. We encourage you to explore the topics of customer satisfaction and program evaluation resources on the Internet.
- Community Literacy of Ontario has developed several excellent resources that deal with program evaluation, organizational capacity and continuous improvement. These can be downloaded from CLO’s Resources – Publications
- Community Literacy of Ontario’s and Literacy Link South Central’s Developing a Culture of Evaluation project. resulted in valuable online resources to support non-profit organizations with evaluation, including:
- 8 online modules
- 6 webinars
- 10 community of practice online clinics
- A research report
- an Annotated Review of Evaluation Resources of 41 resources, including websites, articles, handbooks and videos
- Capacity Plus: Organizational Capacity Resource Guide for Ontario’s Community Literacy Agencies – This guide contains lots of helpful information on a variety of important topics to help Literacy and Basic Skills programs and other not-for-profits build their capacity. The Customer Service Management section is particularly relevant to the LBS Follow-Up service. It includes suggestions, definitions and samples that can help you evaluate learner satisfaction.
- The ABCs of CIPMS (Continuous Improvement Performance Management System) – Continuous program improvement is important to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities as it is to many other funders. This manual is designed to provide an overview of what CIPMS is, how it can be an effective process, how it is being used elsewhere, and how the Ministry envisions it being used in Literacy and Basic Skills agencies. It also includes sample tools and resources that can be used in your agency. This resource can be very helpful to you in creating, monitoring and reporting your follow-up evaluation plan.
- SmartSteps to Organizational Excellence – This resource manual is a compilation of five online workshops developed to strengthen the administrative capacity of Ontario’s community literacy agencies. The workshops covered the following topics: Proposal Writing, Fee for Service, Program Evaluation, Assessing your Organizational Capacity and Organizational Outcomes.
- Community Literacy of Ontario’s and Literacy Link South Central’s Developing a Culture of Evaluation project. resulted in valuable online resources to support non-profit organizations with evaluation, including:
- Project Evaluation Guide for Nonprofit Organizations, Imagine Canada. The authors say “this guide was designed to assist charitable and nonprofit organizations to conduct precise and appropriate project evaluations, and then communicate and use the results of evaluation effectively. Its primary focus is to help organizations that would like to perform project evaluations by using their internal resources, and to make evaluation a part of their project management and strategic development.”
- Beginner’s Guide for Program Coordinators of Smaller Literacy Agencies (April 2016) – This manual, from the Mid North Network for the Coordination and Development of Adult Learning, is designed to help new program coordinators at smaller LBS programs and focuses on the common aspects of the job. It is downloadable in English or French from the Northern Literacy Networks Resources webpage.
- Basic Guide to Program Evaluation (Including Outcomes Evaluation) – This online resource is a product of the Free Management Library. It provides guidance toward planning and implementing an evaluation process for for-profit or nonprofit programs. There are active links to many topics, such as:
- Program Evaluation
- Planning Program Evaluation (what do you want to learn about, what info is needed)
- Overview of Methods to Collect Information (questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, etc.)
- Analyzing and Interpreting Information
- Reporting Evaluation Results
- Who Should Carry Out the Evaluation?
- Contents of an Evaluation Plan
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- There are also links to other guides and resources.
- For the most up-to-date information on the OALCF and to access the following OALCF tools and resources, visit the EOPG website.