Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

This module will review training materials to highlight how literacy can make a difference in people’s lives, encouraging learners to participate in life-long learning opportunities.

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Requirements

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) sets out requirements for each of the delivery services. These are laid out in the Literacy and Basic Skills Service Provider Guidelines. The version used during the development of this module was effective October 2016.  The Guidelines are updated from time to time and we recommend that practitioners check for newer editions.

The main focus of the LBS Program is the training service. The training instruction that LBS service providers deliver to adult learners should enable them to acquire the necessary skills and competencies to transition to their goal.

MTCU does not stipulate specific training approaches or instructional techniques, as can be seen in the following two quotes from the LBS Service Delivery Guidelines:

“LBS service providers may use different training methods that meet the specific needs of the learners. However, all training must lead to measurable results that include completion of goal path, learner progress and learner gains.”

“The Ministry does not prescribe content or curriculum. It does require that service providers demonstrate that their LBS programming will prepare the learner with the skills and abilities for achieving a required credential, meeting the entry expectations of an external institution, or gaining other learning requirements for successful transition to their goals.”

The Guidelines do provide the following requirements for LBS training.

LBS service providers must

  • provide learners with training in the competencies and content necessary for their goal path

  • provide instruction appropriate to adult learners and their goal path, as identified in their learner plan

  • provide instruction that supports development of skills and knowledge, as well as the ability to integrate and use competencies to complete meaningful and authentic tasks

  • deliver instruction that uses materials appropriate to adults and supports diverse learning approaches

  • review and adjust training as needed

  • support learners’ transition to other education and training opportunities

  • report learner information to the Ministry

  • co-ordinate learners’ LBS training with other Employment Ontario services, as required

Duration of Training

The LBS Service Provider Guidelines, effective October 2016 deal with the duration of an LBS learner’s training. Essentially, MTCU does not require a specific number of hours per week nor a specific number of weeks for a learner to take part in the LBS program. Training may vary due to unique learner factors such as:

  • the rate of learner participation each week (the number of hours spent learning) over a period of time

  • the forms of LBS training delivery available and accessed by the learner

  • the learner’s goal

  • the learner’s profile

However, the Ministry does require, in the Guidelines, that the training is “provided with enough frequency and intensity to produce measurable progress.” In order to make sufficient prograss and maintain motivation towards achieving their goal, it is recommended that the learner should commit a minimum of 10 hours per week to their learning. This time can be spent

  • in class or synchronous (live) online learning settings

  • doing independent or asynchronous training

  • in a combination of supervised and independent study

Digital Technology Training

One OALCF competency that receives special note in the LBS Service Provider Guidelines Training Service section is Using Digital Technology.

“Skills in using digital technology are essential for success in education and training, employment and independence. All learners must have the opportunity to develop competency in the use of digital technology. The LBS program funds the teaching of digital technology, including computer skills and particular software applications.

Questions and Activities for Reflection

  1. MTCU recommends that learners commit a minimum of 10 hours per week to their learning. Consider learners who you work with. What are some ways, other than working directly with you, that these learners could be spending time on learning?

  2. What digital technology learning opportunities does your program offer to learners?

  3. Visit the AlphaPlus website and watch one of their past or current webinars on a digital literacy topic. Subscribe to their email list to receive their monthly emails with news and updates about interesting ways to include the Use Digital Technology competency in your program.

Next in the Module > Training Delivery Methods

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