Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

In this module, we will review learner retention materials to highlight how literacy can make a difference in people’s lives, encouraging learners to participate in life-long learning opportunities.

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Requirements

MTCU has set a number of requirements that must be followed in relation to the Learner Plan Development service. These are laid out in the Literacy and Basic Skills Service Provider Guidelines. The version used during the development of this section was effective October 2016. The Guidelines are updated from time to time and we recommend practitioners check for newer editions.

“ln order to develop the learner plan, LBS service providers work with the learner to identify and document the learning activities that prepare learners for transition to their goal. The learner plan ensures that learners understand the steps that are required to achieve their goal, the sequence for training and the time necessary to achieve the learning identified for their goal path.”  (LBS Service Provider Guidelines, effective October 2016)

The LBS Service Provider Guidelines provide the required process for Learner Plan Development and describe the information and details that comprise the learners’ individual plans. For example, the Guidelines provide a list of the information that is required in a learner plan, which is a learner’s:

  • goal path

    • The goal path refers to the preparation required to exit LBS and transition to the goal and is delivered by an LBS service provider. The five goal paths are: apprenticeship, employment, independence, post-secondary or secondary.

    • goal

      • The goal is what the learner wants to achieve once leaving the LBS Program.

      • background information

        • The learner’s profile information that is included in the LBS Participant Registration Form

        • assessment results

        • milestone tasks

        • culminating task

        • learning activities

        • program duration

        • additional supports required by the learner

        • referral results

The LBS Service Provider Guidelines describe in more detail what is to be contained within an LBS learner plan. “LBS Service Providers must:

  • ensure that the learner plan

    • includes the background information gathered in the learner profile

    • identifies necessary referrals to be made after initial assessment, during or at program exit

    • identifies the learner’s goal path

    • details the learning activities to be provided to prepare learners for their goal path

    • identifies milestone tasks related to the goal path that the learner needs to successfully demonstrate

    • identifies the culminating task

    • consider whether e-Channel delivery is appropriate for the learner

    • indicate dates and establish timelines (date the learner plan was developed, start date and projected end date for learner’s program, estimated time per week learner commits to their LBS training which includes both supervised and independent study, and dates for the learner and LBS service provider staff to review progress)

    • includes any other non-LBS requirements (certificates, courses, abilities) of the learner’s goal path“

The above information is required in all LBS learner plans, but service providers may gather more information if they require it for their individual program purposes or to serve the learner better.

MTCU requires LBS programs to use the language of the OALCF competencies and levels when developing learner plans. They should also include milestone tasks and culminating tasks. By using the OALCF language and assessment materials, the learner plan will provide other stakeholders with an understanding of what a learner has achieved in your LBS program. This is important for transferability among LBS programs and for ease of transition onto the learner’s next steps if their goal is apprenticeship, employment or further education.

Regarding the Learner Plan Development process, the LBS Service Provider Guidelines say that LBS service providers must:

  • work with learners to develop a learner plan that reflects what the learner needs for the goal path

  • establish a process for regular and timely review of learner achievements, including successfully demonstrated milestones and culminating tasks, and other assessment results which indicate progress towards completion of the goal path. Periodic review of the learner plan ensures that the learner is on track with the learner’s training objectives. If the learner is not on track or if the learner’s goal has changed, the learner plan is revised to reflect changes in learning activities and expected outcomes

  • provide the learner with a copy of the learner plan and keep a copy on file

  • make learner files (which include learner plans) available for review by Ministry staff

In the remainder of the sections of this module, we will provide more details about Learner Plan Development and offer tips and tools to help you to meet the MTCU requirements around developing learner plans.

Questions and Activities for Reflection

  1. Consider the plans for one or two of the learners you work with. Do you think those learner plans meet the MTCU guidelines for Learner Plan Development? If not, what would you need to do to bring the plans in line with the requirements?

  2. Does your program work with the learners to develop their learning plan to identify and document the learning activities that prepare them for transition to their goal? Does your program ensure that each learner has a copy of their learner plan?

  3. Ask the learners who you work with if they understand:

    • the steps that are required to achieve their goal

    • how the learning activities in their learner plan match their goal

    • the time necessary to achieve the learning identified in their learner plan for their goal path.

Next in the Module > Developing the Learner Plan

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