Sample Forms

This module will review follow-up materials to highlight how literacy can make a difference in people’s lives, encouraging learners to participate in life-long learning opportunities.

Follow-Up Sample Forms

Download sample forms below from the Follow-Up module.

Learner Satisfaction Survey Program Evaluation

Learner Satisfaction Survey Sample 2: Northern Connections Adult Learning Centres Evaluation

Ongoing Learner Questionnaire

Sample 3: Outreach Literacy

Community Partner Survey

Sample 4

Assessing Customer Services

The North Bay Literacy Council is asking for your assistance in helping us assess our customer service. Please complete the questionnaire and return to Anna-Marie Aquino at (you will need to save it and then attach the document) or fax to North Bay Literacy Council 705-494-9856 by ______________. Please note that there are two pages. Thank You.

Sample 5: Northern Connections Adult Learning Centres

Monthly Client Survey Action Plan

Sample 6

Exit Survey

Next in the Module > Acknowledgements

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