Acknowledgements and Feedback
Project Host
This module was developed and sponsored by Community Literacy of Ontario, a network of over 100 community literacy agencies in Ontario. You can learn more about CLO via:
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Research and Writing
Community Literacy of Ontario’s Building Organizational Capacity in Board Governance training module was written by Cindy Davidson in 2009. It was revised and updated by Joanne Kaattari and Vicki Trottier in 2013.
Project Manager
Joanne Kaattari
This training module was funded by the Employment Ontario Network Development Fund.
Joanne Kaattari and Vicki Trottier
Website Design and Technical Support:
Green IT
Date of Publication
CLO’s Board Governance module was originally written in 2009. It was revised and updated in November 2013.
This online training module was revised March 2018.
A Word of Appreciation
CLO is grateful for the role of the Advisory Committee for Building Organizational Capacity in Board Governance online training module: Debera Flynn, QUILL Learning Network; Fiona Murray, Institute on Governance; and Matt Wood, Ontario Association of Youth Employment Services.
We are also grateful to the Board of Directors of Community Literacy of Ontario for their ongoing support and encouragement and for sharing best practices in board development and governance.
All external links within the Board Governance module were valid at the time of publication.
@Copyright Community Literacy of Ontario
We would love to hear your feedback and ideas on this guide.
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